Sparkly Vampires

Story takes place between Demon’s Desire and Shifter’s Sanctuary

Vampires do not sparkle. Cyn protested as she walked with Deidre on their weekly shopping trip in Real Earth. Deidre still avoided Shadow as often as possible. The habits built over the last five hundred years were hard to break.

But wouldn’t it be funny if they did? Deidre replied, checking out the display of shoes in the window of her least favorite store. The selection was mediocre at best and there wasn’t anything interesting enough to warrant a second glance.

No, it’s a stupid thing to do. Can you imagine trying to sneak up on your prey in the middle of the night only to find them running away from your sparkling ass?

Sparkles are in this year and you’d look positively fabulous! teased Deidre.

Cyn glared at her. I don’t do sparkles. Leather is more my style.

Deidre stopped in front of Happy Harry’s House of Humor. A sparkling vampire cutout was featured in the window display. She turned to Cyn with a mischievous expression. Maybe we can find something here.

Cyn crossed her arms, expression mutinous. I refuse.

Deidre bumped her arm with her own. Not for you. For our overly-serious Elite.

Cyn grinned. Oh, in that case let’s go!

The interior of the shop was filled with slight-of-hand tricks, costumes, gags, and other paraphernalia for magicians. An older man stood behind the counter, showing a younger man how to perform a card trick. It took a couple of repetitions before the guy got it. With a glow of accomplishment, he bought the card deck and hurried from the shop.

The older gentleman, a mage, by his aura, approached. How may I help you ladies?

An expression of confusion crossed Cyn’s face. How does a mage come to run a joke shop?

The man smiled. I spent my life doing what was expected of me and I was prohibited from making a difference. By having this shop, I bring smiles to the faces of young and old, paranormal and human. It makes me happy.

Deidre leaned forward and in a conspiratorial tone, shared their mission. We’re here to make vampires sparkle.

The mage looked at Cyn, who shook her head vehemently. Not me, someone else.

I might have what you’re looking for. A new shipment of charms just arrived. Let me check. The mage hurried off and Cyn and Deidre looked over some of the merchandise. Deidre picked up a pair of googly glasses and tried them on. Cyn played with a floating weight.

He returned a few minutes later with two charms in his hand. They looked like ordinary buttons.

These are glamour charms. Once programmed, they’ll make the wearer appear in any manner you choose. They are single use only. If you need to recharge them, we can do that for a small fee.

Cyn picked one up and looked it over. How do we program them?

I need to do that. He pulled out a small pamphlet and handed it over. On the inside were a list of various types of glamour. Deidre read the options over Cyn’s shoulder. Oooh, some of those are sound pretty fun.

Cyn shook her head. Focus, Deidre, we want them to sparkle, not look like they stepped off an alien spaceship.

Deidre looked at the mage. If we bring them back to recharge, can we change the type of glamour?

He shook his head. Once programmed, the glamour can’t be changed.

I’ll take one, Deidre said. Programmed for sparkle please.

Cyn nodded in agreement. I’ll take the other. Same programming.

The mage nodded. Two sparkle charms coming right up. He disappeared behind the curtain leading to the rear of the shop. There was a small surge of magic and he reappeared with the two charms.

All programmed and ready to go. The glamour will last at full strength for four hours before gradually fading. He handed over two pieces of paper that held the activation phrase.

Deidre and Cyn paid for their purchases then left the store.

When do you think we should activate them? Cyn asked.

I’ve heard there is a sparkly vampire movie marathon at the theater close to the Elite offices. Damien and James walk by that theater on their way to work.

Cyn pulled out her phone and looked at the map. we can watch from the roof of this building right here. She pointed to the location.

They decided on a date to activate then headed home.

Three nights later, the stars aligned and Deidre met Cyn on the rooftop overlooking the theater. Cyn arrived a few minutes after Deidre.

Everything in place? Cyn asked.

Yep. And guess what I found out? There’s a regional Elite meeting at headquarters tonight.

More of the Elite will witness the joke? Cyn asked, a wicked smile curving her lips.

Yes. Deidre matched her grin then looked over the lip of the building at the commotion below.

James and Damien walked side by side. Black dusters buttoned against the cold. A couple of people waiting in line, saw the sparkling vampires and ran up to them, demanding autographs. The word spread like wildfire during a drought. James and Damien were surrounded.

Deidre pulled out her phone and snapped a few pics of the sparkling duo being mobbed by fans.

Other members of the Elite were walking toward the office and stopped to investigate the mob. Instead of helping Damien and James, they pulled out their phones and took pictures.

They’re so pissed. Cyn whispered.

But they’re handling the crowd remarkably well, Deidre replied, witnessing panic cross Damien’s face more than once.

The other Elite weren’t any help at all, instead pulling out sunglasses and asking for pics and autographs as well. They laughed and continued to the Elite building in the middle of the next block.

It was an hour before Damien and James managed to escape. The crowds had swelled to alarming proportions, blocking traffic on both sides of the street. The human cops were called to disperse the crowd and during the confusion Damien and James fled the scene.

Deidre leaned back against the lip, wiping a tear of mirth from her eye. That was fun.

Cyn sat cross-legged next to her. Yeah it was.

Both phones buzzed with incoming text message from Elite Shifter Jared Williams. The office is divided. Some are for Team Damian and others are for Team James. Not sure how you managed this, but it’s pure genius.

Attached were pics of various Elite holding signs while wearing sunglasses.

Do you think they suspect us? Cyn asked.

Deidre shrugged. I don’t know. How did Jared know?

Cyn texted him back, asking. While they waited for a response, they got off the roof and joined the last few stragglers on the sidewalk.

Jared replied, I’m familiar with the wares Happy Harry sells.

Deidre texted back. Do you think they suspect us?

Nope, they’re sure it’s someone here in the office.

Deidre shared high five with Cyn. Let’s celebrate with pastries from Angelini’s.

Sounds good to me.